Customer Support


Phone number: (+34) 91 436 33 33

Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm Email address:

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Rest of the world

BBVA Group

Mexico 8001237015 Email address:

Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm (CDT)

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Grupo Telefónica

Colombia 60 1 4227429
Venezuela 58 212 7202007
Chile 800 80 00 96
Spain 900 99 57 23
Argentina 0800 444 08 86
Brazil 0800 76 11 002
USA 1-855-210-7895
Peru 0800 54 947
Mexico 01800 123 83 12
Ecuador 0180000 10 47
Uruguay 0004 05 44 69
United Kingdom 0808 234 67 91
Germany 0800 181 27 78
Other countries 57 60 1 3487892

Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm From January 1st 2023: Mon-Fro 9am-5pm

Email address:

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Browser Desktop Mobile
Google Chrome Current version on both Windows Current version on Android and Google Chrome for IOS.
Microsoft Edge
Support for Edge Legacy ended on March 9, 2021.
From Version 10. Windows Phone 10.
Mozilla Firefox Current version on both Windows Current version on iOS.
Safari Current version, not including the last 2 patches Latest version, not including the last 2 patches.
Android Browser Not applicable. From API version 10 on Android (Gingerbread 2.3.3)*.
*Excluding Android 4.0-4.3 native browser
Recommended minimum resolution 1.280 x 720

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